Feel free to talk to us! 917-776-4706

We help your loved ones stay physically fit, and enjoy sports activities.

Dr. Forrest Hong, Ph.D., a certified advanced social care worker, and manager of a geriatric care management company in California says that practicing Zumba and stretching “is a great cardiovascular workout, and it also helps to improve balance and focus the work on your leg muscles.”

NY SENIOR SERVICES INC offers opportunities for seniors to perform exercises to help them stay fit, and attend sports activities. Many seniors have never lost their sense of wonder and reverence for athletes and the talents they display. Seniors can hearken back to their youth when ballplayers were paid a pittance to play and they first became fans of American sports.

Feel free to talk to us!

You can send us a message with your concern, and we’ll respond right away.

a woman and a senior woman smiling at each other