Feel free to talk to us! 917-776-4706

Introduce technology to your senior loved ones to improve their quality of life.

Aside from making sure that our older loved ones’ muscles don’t atrophy, we’ve introduced them to activities that make sure that their brains stay active as well.

NY SENIOR SERVICES INC has introduced the use of computers to the lives of seniors. Although some have been wary and a bit ‘computer phobic’, they can be coaxed into trying a few basic maneuvers. They can enhance their lives by learning to use email to keep in touch with their loved ones. We have experienced the absolute glee of a ‘non-techie’ senior overcoming their fear and conquering the programs Word and Excel. This gave this individual tremendous confidence that he could overcome all his emotional and physical ailments.

Feel free to talk to us!

You can send us a message with your concern, and we’ll respond right away.

a woman and a senior woman smiling at each other